Delhi: ‘One Nation One Ration Card’ Scheme To Be Implemented Through E-PoS Machine
There is a tussle between the Center and the Delhi government regarding the ration distribution scheme in Delhi. 1- Meanwhile, the Delhi Government has decided to implement the ‘One Nation One Ration Card’ scheme of the Central Government in Delhi.
This decision will benefit the migrants who have ration cards from other states and who have been identified in their native state under the National Food Security Act (NFSA). Delhi Government has decided to implement a ‘One Nation One Ration Card’ scheme to distribute free ration to PDS cardholders for July 2021 under NFSA, 2013, and PMGKAY.
The free ration will be available through the e-PoS machine in a phased manner.
According to the information received by the Delhi government, all the beneficiaries across Delhi will get free ration through e-PoS machine on biometric authentication at ration shops (FPS) in a phased manner. Instructions have been given to all the ration shops to mandatorily put up a board outside the shop with all necessary information about the eligibility of the beneficiaries.
All Zonal Assistant Commissioners, Circle Food Safety Officers, and Food Security Inspectors have been directed to ensure ration distribution at all ration shops through e-PoS as per the guidelines of the One Nation One Card Policy.
2- The decision to provide free ration to NFS and AAY beneficiaries.
In Delhi, under the Public Distribution System (PDS) under the National Food Security Act 2013, NFS beneficiaries in the PR and PRS categories are given 5 kg food grains every month, consisting of 4 kg of wheat and 1 kg of rice. The regular eligibility under the AAY category is 25 kg wheat, 10 kg rice, and 1 kg sugar per family.
Under the scheme, wheat at Rs 2 per kg, rice Rs 3 per kg, and sugar Rs 13.50 per kg are given to the beneficiaries on normal days. But the Delhi government has decided to provide free ration to NFS and AAY beneficiaries in the light of people’s current financial situation due to corona. Apart from this, every PDS beneficiary (PR, PRS, and AAY) is entitled to 4 kg wheat and 1 kg rice per month in July 2021 under PMGKAY.
3- Will give adequate information to the beneficiaries about the availability of ration.
According to a statement issued by Delhi’s Food and Supplies Minister Imran Hussain, the Food and Supplies Department has made every effort to meet the food requirements of the poor and vulnerable sections of the city, including NFS beneficiaries during the lockdown. The Delhi government had earlier provided free ration to NFS beneficiaries for May-June 2021 as well. The government has decided to continue the distribution of free ration till November 2021. We have decided to implement the ‘One Nation One Card Policy’ to provide free ration to migrants in Delhi.
All the FPS licensees have been directed to take necessary precautions while distributing the ration to ensure their safety as well as the safety of the beneficiaries. All FPS beneficiaries will be given adequate information about the availability of ration to avoid any inconvenience to the beneficiaries. Beneficiaries can contact the Assistant Commissioner of Food Department, Food Supply Officer, and Food Supply Inspector for any complaint related to ration. They can contact the helpline number 1967 and other grievance redressal portals of the Delhi Government including PGMS.
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